Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fighting the stereotypes..(My part)

Inspired? Yes. By? Well..two things current situation (which is? wait for it..) and a friend's project I was very graciously asked to be a part of (the name, Fighting the Stereotypes, comes from there)

So my stereotype was supposed to be "being intelligent=scoring well" ..intellect is easily measured by how well you least till you're out of college. And anyone who's seen genius will agree with me on how much of a prejudice that is.

My current situation borne out of 11 years of scoring real well (Yes, I never heard the word "modesty", if thats what you're wondering 'bout ..)..and then *POOF*..entrances fail me..and I'm suddenly the dumbest mind around!!! Honestly, I wouldn't say i worked my ass off for them..but then with what little I did put in..what i got is not half bad. Won't go into the details of what did go wrong..just that this wasn't my year to score! BIG DEAL!! I mean, I get how important it is for my future and stuff..of course i do..its MY furture after all..and I don't dream of a bleak one for crying out loud! But, not getting into everything you applied for DOES NOT qualify you for a dumbass all together anymore than one match lost makes R. Federer the worst player around ( comparisons there..I know ..but you get the idea..)

When you haven't failed all your life..(and trust me I know loads who haven't..well, at least when you're just haven't had a lot of opportunities to fail at)..people start assuming you never will..or at least thats how they react when you have your first fall. As if the brutal THUD wasn't enough to crush you. And mostly..the killing disappiontment comes from family itself..not the immediate one of course..mostly the uncles and aunts you never heard congratulating you in those 17 years you shone!!

Ok..I did get away from the stereotype fighting bit :p..I just had to..HAD TO..get this out somewhere..and since not a lot of people are going to be bothered by we are..the perfect frustration vent ;)

Today, all I know is..that I wil make it big..10 years hence..this little setback will not count anymore than all the sneers do now!! I know I'll make it big..because I trust my intellect ..not the scorethat works well as a qualification for the linear thinkers!!!

“Now I can let these dream killers kill my self esteem-or use my arrogance as steam to power my dreams!!!” - Kanye West


  1. Yeah I get what you mean...!!... Don't worry you still shine in every possible way.. a little set back doesn't matter at all !!

  2. dont worry, you will get the right path to move on, everything is destined to happen. and dont bother about people telling you about something, that's there "masala" of the moment, dont live for them, you dont owe them anything.

  3. I failed too many times in my life but I still have my optimism to get me by. :D Keep smiling for life gets better.

    Anywho, thank you so much for partaking in the project. This is a very good piece.
